Friday, July 10, 2009

Twitter Tells ALL

This fine specimen of a man is Terrell Carter, I'm sure ya'll might remember him from some of Tyler Perry's plays and/or movies. Well, here are some new pics of him that we've never seen before.

It sholl in the hell looks like him to me. But I ain't the one to gossip so you ain't heard it from me LMAO! On a serious note tho.. I have no problem with anybody's sexual preference. I DO however, have a problem with DL men. Well, those that lead lives as heterosexual men and have relationships with women when they know they like what I like. If you choose to keep your preference secret w/o involving others sexually, fine by me. I'm not sure if Terrell only deals with men or if he's on the DL, but Alex (ole boy in the pics with him) got heated recently and decided to post these pics on his twitter. I always say that the internet can RUIN a person's life and this is a prime example. I don't think that anybody should be put on blast like this, no matter what the situation is.

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