Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nashville Teacher Breaks Down In The Classroom

This video was captured by a Nashville high school student. A teacher was caught spazzing out on his students. Check the video.

Wow... dude was super hot! Seems to me like the children would have just shut the hell up when he asked them to, they can be so disrespectful! The teacher is currently on leave, thank GOD. It's obvious he needs some time to himself. According to the news, the teacher has been working at the school for 17 years and has been telling the children that he's been dealing with a lot in his personal life. This is scary as hell, glad it didn't go any further.

1 comment:

Clay Boggess said...

This teacher obviously never had control of his class nor earned the respect of his students in the first place. This could not have been an isolated incident but was something that was simmering and had reached the ‘boil-over’ point. With that said, not only should the student who filmed the video be punished, but what about the teacher’s right to privacy being violated?

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