Thursday, September 2, 2010

Images From Tip & Tiny's Arrest

Well, I knew it wouldn't be long before pics surfaced of Tiny and Tip being arrested.  The paparazzi (TMZ) is EVERYWHERE in California and they stay ready to snap some BS, SMH.  Look at Tip BACK in the backseat of a police car, this just hurt my lil feelings.

Although they put themselves in this situation, I can't help but feel bad for them.  According to TMZ, Tiny and Tip were not the only two from the car that were arrested.  There were two others arrested as well, one male and one female.  I sure hate that this happened, Tip was doing so well ;(.  

UPDATE: TMZ is reporting that the police have stated that the controlled substance found in Tip's vehicle was Ecstasy.  They claim to have found only a "small amount" and they are testing the pills to determine exactly what it is.

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