Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Dream Remakes Aaliyah's "One In A Million"

In our high school yearbook there was a section where each senior had the opportunity to give a little info about themselves. You know like what you would most likely be doing later in life (mine was a talk show host LOL), what you loved most and your favorite song. My favorite song was (and still is) "One In A Million" by Aaliyah. When I heard that The Dream did a remake of the hit song, I have to admit that I had mixed emotions. Since this is my favorite song and one of Aaliyah's BIGGEST hits, I was concerned that he might not do it justice. Well, I have to say that I was not disappointed. Listen to the song below.

It doesnt take the place of the original but he did it well.. Only this dude could pull this one off. What do you guys think of the remake?


Anonymous said...

Okay, so dude here is super dupa gay. Like Supa DDDDDDDDupa gay! I couldnt listen pass the first 10 secs. Hated it!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so dude here is super dupa gay. Like Supa DDDDDDDDupa gay! I couldnt listen pass the first 10 secs. Hated it!

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