Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Stuck On Stupid...

These men are going to learn to sit they a$$ down somewhere, check out this story.

A married man in Wausau, WIS. has been assaulted by 4 women, one of which was his wife. The man was meeting up with one of (notice I said one of) his mistresses at a motel thinking he was about to get it in. He got it in alright LMAO. Ole girl talked him into letting her tie him up with sheets (freaky old folks lol), once he was tied and bound she cut off his boxers and text messaged the rest of his lovers to come into the room. Can you imagine how scared this man was? His wife and 2 of his lovers and a sister of one them all came into the room and stuck it to his ass. Well, maybe I should say his stomach. Yup, they put KRAZY glue on his PEEN and glued it to his stomach! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, classic ish! The women all left the motel scared that he would get away and hurt them. Now, all 4 ladies are facing jail time (up to 6 years) for their actions, mainly for holding him hostage. Dude was wrong as hell tho, how do you have a wife and not one, but SEVERAL mistresses? I'm too tickled that they were able to pull this off! I bet he'll think twice before taking his a$$ to the mozey-wozey next time. This story gives that saying "stuck on stupid" a whole new meaning ROFLMAO!!

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