Monday, July 20, 2009

You Doing TOO MUCH KIM!!

Okay wait. I was on board wit Kim when she did Dancing With The Stars but at this point you just doing too much honey. But I guess she jumped over the edge wit the right mofo LOL. Cyndi Lauper is just as out there as Kim. I'm wondering what the deal is with the Cinderella dress Kim is rocking. I'm tripping off "Put Ya Lighters Up." Kim is alllllllllllllllllll off key ROFL! I dont know why this is so shocking to me, we know from previous tomfoolery actions of hers that she has not a shy bone in her body and will QUICKLY pull some BS ROFL. Check out this video y'all.


Anonymous said...

Okay so how long was I asleep? I wake up and Lil Kim is a singer?!? WTF???????? Im getting back in the damn bed and hopefully when I get up this nightmare will be over! GOOD EVENING!

Anonymous said...

Yeah...this is a hot ass mess lol.... Damn I like Lil Kim hahahaha..

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